Common errors of beginners at the poker table. Learn to recognize the prey!

Many beginners approach poker with the same attitude and often make the same mistakes. Being able to identify the beginners sitting at our table constitutes a fair advantage towards them. So what does a beginner do?

1) The episodes and bluffs is wrong

The most common error concerns the amount of the episodes, which is often too high or too reduced, both when the point is actually, and when the player is trying a bluff.

You are sitting at a NO Limit Texas Hold'Em table. The dish is worth $ 5000 and a figure came out at the River. You only stayed in two. You have a 10 ♠ 10 ♥ couple. Your opponent focuses $ 20! It is a very little account episode compared to the value of the dish and decide to see. Your opponent shows a bluff and win your hand.

To make a credible bluff and make you think you have at least one dressed couple, your opponent should have focused much more aggressive way.

You are sitting at a NO Limit Texas Hold'Em table. You are at the pre-Flop, darkness and stuntio are worth $ 5 and $ 10. One of the "Under The Gun" players (ie to the left of the counterbuio) focuses $ 1000. All the others at the folding table, including you. The player who won the dish shows a couple j ♥ J ♣. Would an experienced player risk so much to steal a few low -value darkness?

2) He wants to play all his hands, but without initiative

Another common attitude is to always go to see, without taking initiatives and above all without paying due attention to your initial cards. If the others check, check. If the others point, it never relaunches.

But be careful not to be deceived by an involuntary bluff: this way of playing leads to think that the opponent does not have a strong point, but it can happen that reached the showdown is shown to be an unauthorized pair of axes!

3) use the chat too much, often to criticize

In live poker, you can speak while paying attention to the game. In online poker, the action is much faster and it is more difficult to use keyboard, mouse and at the same time remain focused on the current match. If a player abuses chat, he is certainly not playing the best of his own possibilities.

Furthermore, when an opponent is used to writing such phrases "what luck", "I would enter a color at River" or criticisms of others, it is very likely that it is a player with poor ability.

4) flaw of pride and gives information to others

Winning a hand with a great point or with a sophisticated bluff always gives a certain emotion. A certain dose of "delirium of omnipotence" leads the beginner to show their opponents their cards always, believing that he is beautiful in the eyes of others. This behavior is the easiest and fastest way to give valuable information to the players sitting at the table, without there being the slightest necessity.

5) does not know the positional game

It does not take advantage of your place at the table to steal the darks when possible and often sees the relaunches and then check or fold in the next round.

6) It makes too many all-in before the flop

Making too many all-ins before the flop or turn is indicative of the fact that a player does not know how to behave in turn and River and that he tries to focus everything on a rather good initial hand, relying more on luck than to ability.